How to make money out of playing video games

how to make money out of playing video games

Either join an existing site or launch your own and start writing news, reviews, and interviews for a specific game, genre, or industry. Comment icon. Review new games and help people decide if a game is worth buying or not, as Joseph Anderson does. Real Money Pro.

2. Start a YouTube Channel

Read. You can make money playing video games, but the truth is, you can! Many who go this route will give up within a few years because the work aspect kills the fun of playing video games. Instead of doing what they love, they end up hating what they once loved. Here are several potential ways you can start earning money by playing video games.

YouTube and YouTube Gaming

how to make money out of playing video games
Gaming is an extremely fun past-time, and turning it into a full-time income is many people’s ultimate dream. Luckily for you, it’s not only possible — video games can earn you more than a traditional job. This is pretty much the O. Game developers will pay game testers to try out their games in a real player environment. They are paid to spot bugs and make suggestions on how to improve the game. However, keep in mind that just because you’re getting paid to play video games doesn’t mean the job is just like your average gaming session on the couch. It’s still a lot of hard work.

How to Make Money Playing Video Games — EPIC HOW TO

2. Try Your Hand at Games Journalism

Cramer’s Blog. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly show related to gaming. Anyone can write a guide. Live stream games and record «Let’s Play» style videos where you show off a game or play through the story, as LetsPlay does. When you are struggling with a challenging part of the game it is really tempting to buy especially when you like the game and have played it a lot.
