How to make money buying at car boot sales

how to make money buying at car boot sales

While it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of making a fortune, know that you probably won’t walk away from a car boot sale as a millionaire. If you have anything that you think is worth a considerable sum of money, do not, I repeat do not , take it to a car boot sale. You get the idea. It’ll save you having to take it all home. If an item were to be damaged, ask yourself how you’ll respond.

Pack the night before

Normally they happen on large fields or airfields, or even inside a local hall etc, but these are usually called jumble sales. Did you know that you buyinng make thousands of pounds from these goldmines people call car boot sales. Lots of people buy and sell all over the world, every day. Car boot sales are places where you can find bargains and then sell them on later to make a tidy profit. The trick to making money from car boot or jumble fo is to buy things which can be sold for a much higher amount somewhere else, such as an antique auction, Ebay, a Pawn shop or even to someone you know!

Choosing a Car Boot Sale

how to make money buying at car boot sales
I f your house is full of unwanted trinkets, toys and tat and you could do with some extra cash, a car boot sale could be a great solution to your problems. In a matter of hours you will have decluttered your house, perhaps paid for a weekend away, and learned a little bit about what it is like to be a retailer — a helpful skill for a negotiator. There are several things you can do to maximise your profits and make sure you earn enough to cover the entry fee. Go to carbootjunction. Visit a site as an observer to get an understanding of the market and who is buying there.

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I f your house is full of unwanted trinkets, toys and tat and you could do with some extra cash, a car buynig sale could be a great solution to your problems.

In a matter of hours you will have decluttered your house, perhaps paid for a weekend away, and learned a little bit about what it is like to be a retailer — a helpful skill for a negotiator.

There are several things you can do to maximise your profits and make sure you earn enough to cover the entry fee. Go to carbootjunction. Visit a site as an observer to get an understanding of the market and who how to make money buying at car boot sales buying. See where the busiest stalls are pitched; often these are close to the entrance or food stalls.

Put your items in boxes so you can quickly pack your car in the morning. Take a collapsible table and ground sheets on which to lay the items; make sure this is last in the boot so when you get there you can get them out.

Look at the weather forecast the night before to help you prepare efficiently. I would suggest not putting prices on items; firstly it saves time, and secondly people may pay more than you expect for an item.

But make sure you are aware of the going rate for your gear and know how much you are prepared to accept for each item — visit sites like eBay to get an idea.

Get to the site before the official sellers’ opening time so you can be one of the first in the queue and if possible choose a high-traffic site. If it is raining look for a dry pitch to sell your goods. Go with a friend — it helps to have an extra pair of eyes as unfortunately there can zt thieves about, and it also makes it more fun. If you have time, check out the prices of other sellers to make sure you are competitive.

Set up quickly and efficiently. Lay out your store like a retailer would: put seasonal items at the front monfy products placed in logical groupings. For example, on a summer’s day put barbecue and camping equipment and parasols prominently, and mkae all-year-round items like buggies on a «children’s goods» rug.

If you are selling clothes, use a clothes rail to present. Offering customers a drink may help drum up trade; on a hot summer’s day offer a nice refreshing squash or coffee on a cold frosty morning. When your stall is set out, take a look at it from the front as a customer sees it — would the store appeal to you if you were passing by? People love a bargain. Make signs using sales lines to attract customers — for example, Bogof buy one get one free or more creative ones like «collector’s gems» for some of your older items such as niche magazines or vinyl records.

The best hagglers arrive early. Be prepared to bargain and do it with smile and charm. Package items up; if someone is interested in the buggy why not ask them a few questions, for mlney the child’s age and sex.

They may be interested ro buying a tricycle and a few Thomas the Tank Engine toys — your original sale could double! If you think someone’s offer is too low, politely say no and tell them why you feel it is worth the price you are asking — expert hagglers aren’t fearful of early rejection and often bounce back later with a higher proposal. If some items aren’t selling well move them to a different position on the stall as customers may have missed them when walking past.

If the idea was to declutter, towards the end of the sale create an «everything must go» sign. If you wanted to make money and think you might do better selling some items elsewhere, bboot them to one. This article contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if a reader clicks through and makes a purchase.

All our journalism is independent and is in no way influenced by any advertiser or commercial initiative. By clicking on an affiliate link, you accept that third-party cookies will be set. More information. Do a reccy Go to carbootjunction. Pack the night before Put your items in boxes so you can quickly pack your car in the morning. Arrive early Get to the site before the official sellers’ opening time so you can be one of the first in the queue and if possible choose a high-traffic site.

Pitch like a pro Set up quickly and efficiently. Think what could stop people buying products and have an answer bkying for any questions. Now put on your money belt with plenty of loose change and prepare to haggle! Create some point of sale material People love a bargain. Use your negotiating skills The best hagglers arrive early. Move things around If some hoow aren’t selling well move them to a different position on the stall as customers may have missed them when walking past.

Remember why you came If the idea was to declutter, towards the end of the sale create an «everything must go» sign. Topics Consumer affairs The negotiator. Saving money Shopping features. Reuse this content. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All.

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Reselling On eBay For Profit — Car Boot Sale & Gumtree Pickups Video

What items to look for at car boot sales

Instagram post A bright colour will make you stand. Buyinng Read More. While it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of making a fortune, know that you probably won’t walk away from a car boot sale as a millionaire. Most car boots take place in a field or car park during the summer months weekly car boots in the UK moneu how to make money buying at car boot sales on the Easter weekend. Put clothes onto a clothes rail — they’ll be easier to browse and you can display. Also having a smartphone is great because you can search eBay for completed listings whilst you are shopping st see whether you will make a profit or not. Don’t expect to sell things at high prices. You’re paying for the full sale, so make the most of it. You can even try cleaning or ironing each item to make it look extra pretty. If an item were to be damaged, ask yourself how you’ll respond. I bought Resist the urge and yow the pennies in the pot by taking your own food with you. You’ll be amazed by how many people ask for carrier bags at your car boot — even if they only buy 1 item. People always try and save a quid here and a penny ca. Here’s what to buy at Boot Sales to sell on eBay. Get up early and arrive at the location before the start time.
