Can poly sci majors make money

can poly sci majors make money

They may work for politicians or political parties, for government bodies, or in the media. Defending the rights of others is what lawyers live for. Operations managers oversee budgets, manufacturing, and the production of goods or services. Get Started with University of Pennsylvania. Political science is a field in the liberal arts that explores political institutions and political behavior.

What You Can Do With a Degree in Political Science

If you are intrigued by current events, political science is worth considering as a major. Political science majors study how laws are made, and the comparative structures of governments across the world. They learn how public policy is formulated and the impact of policy on the social and economic status of the populace. They discover makw to make a convincing argument and back it up with facts. During their studies, political can poly sci majors make money majors learn how power is acquired, how campaigns are waged, and how public opinion can be influenced. They study different models for leadership maje gain a historical perspective regarding the relative effectiveness of different approaches. Your final decision about your major and career should take into account your unique values, skills, majods traits, and interests.

Summary of Skills for Political Science Majors

can poly sci majors make money
This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. It looks like you’re using an Ad Blocker. Please white-list or disable AboveTopSecret. Thank you. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Cultish at best and gobsmackin’ evil at worst.

Why Pursue a Career in Political Science?

This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. It looks like you’re using an Ad Blocker. Please white-list or disable AboveTopSecret. Thank you. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Cultish at best and gobsmackin’ evil at worst. You can’t get your «message» out if you can’t buy T.

You can’t hit the streets and press the flesh if you can’t afford to fly commuter airlines much less charter a jet. If you are relegated to commuters you have lost already due to impossible scheduling. That covers the money bits it’s all been said before I know Now let’s look at the ssci side» of the issue, the psychological side if you. Many is the time I’ve heard people say, «I’m a enter either party name here so I always vote the ticket.

Those rotten enter either party name here will sneak up on us if we don’t vote the whole party line. These two thrive mjors of eachother and I am pretty sure a significant number of them are plants, that’s the «conspiracy». As long as the average American is in the dark and they ARE in the dark about the real workings of the powerhouse political parties things won’t change. Now I ask you, gentle reader, the core of our community’s interests are conspiracies and politics, here we have a REAL political conspiracy that so far has been exposed by a Mwjors just like you and me.

What collective research, fact majogs and general sniffing around can OUR group do to uncover more? I have always beleived that once you understand how something works you can master it.

I also am a firm believer, if you can learn and practice something you can master it. I think the begining of mastering this is getting in the the media, I feel we at the ATS have our foot in the media door. Great Post! I’d monry add that «by the people, for the people» is a myth.

I am a Brit but it’s much the same. Inteligence is a major factor, education is. The average IQ of Americans is A difference of five points can mean the difference between algebra and calculus, a 22 point difference is. One of the categories that is most affected by this fact is the ability to discern when a politician is lying. Now, we all know politicians lie, they all. They lie like junkies, and the fix they’re looking for is power, pure and simple. Now, take two people, John and Jeff.

John has an IQ ofJeff has Let’s see what motivates them shall we? John has a greater capacity for learning, memory, complex problem solving, and scii thinking — he is a difficult sell because he can see a larger picture, and needs things like facts and logical deductions to make his decisions.

He also won’t come over to the side wooing him, if he thinks the candidate is less inteligent than he is, that’s a no-brainer. Jeff on the other hand is easy to fool, he likes the word freedom it sounds important and makes him feel good when he hears it — proven biological responsehe likes the concept of values The particulars of the values in question don’t mean nearly so much as the word itself, studies have shownand he has a limited ability to perceive the world outside of the immediate surroundings so local issues will take precedent over international policy.

To appeal to Jeff, symbolic automatic-response words like values and freedom and justice are enough, they instill in Jeff a sense of comraderie with the politician.

If politician X comes to town, uses those strong emotive words, and talks about local issues regardless of his intentions on keeping those promises madeJeff is sold. Is it any wonder we’re in such a pickle? Parisanship is a joke, and an un-funny one at. The only people laughing are the thieves taking our lives and our money. America is a double standard, indeed capitalism is a double standard. You are told that you need money to survive, and should strive to earn it.

At the same time you mkney made aware of the societal code of behavior, our laws derived from mostly biblical morality. The two are mutually exclusive. In capitalist societies, money is survival, therefore to survive you must be willing to do anything an animal in the wild is willing to do, otherwise you will have a reduced chance of survival. Those inteligent enough to perceive this double standard, or instinctual enough to perceive it without inteligence, are rewarded with the highest degree of success.

Those who believe all that tired control-mechanism crap about love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek, and don’t have the IQ to perceive the contradiction, get run over before the finish line.

Politicians take advantage moneg this to varying degrees, they play us for fools, and for the most part we deserve it, because most of us are fools. I know this won’t go over well, but I had to say it. The simple fact is that democracy is not a viable method of government unless a majority of the population is capable of inteligent thought. Otherwise it’s like letting a gang of children drive the car, simply because there’s more of.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne I know this won’t go over well, but I had to say it. Excellent well-presented argument — if reconstituted. You may be aware of the movement towards «cognitive testing» of voters — and you’ve just made a fine case for it, plus, established the logical fundamentals for eugenics.

I don’t agree with the assumptions — specifically, that intelligence is fixed, static and immutable. Just as cognitive abilites can degenerate, so too can they be built and re-built. Much current research proves it — and millenia of mystical traditions have established ‘programs’ that work towards individual and cultural development. For example, the alchemical ‘formulas’ for turning lead into gold are not about turning one metal into another — they have to do with ‘awakening’ peoples’ consciousness and intelligence.

I cannot accept your argument, primarily because it’s the standard argument for establishing an elite super-class. IMO — an intelliipocracy would be just as flawed as an aristocracy — indeed, as per Galton’s arguments, the aristocracy IS the intellipocracy, meritocracy and all that follows. Originally posted by soficrow Excellent well-presented argument — if reconstituted.

I disagree with cognitive testing, and I disagree with eugenics, because I believe interfering with the random nature of the universe ends badly for all who attempt it. I am in favor of a meritocracy. People should be judged on their merits, and their merits should be the determining factor in figuring out how much power they should be granted in our society. People who are smarter often accomplish more, but certainly not. Being smart doesn’t guarantee accomplishments like community recognition, invention, valor, or kindness.

Those things are merits, and should be rewarded. Having all the money in the world and still being a prick is not a merit. All these oligarchs would fade into memory in a true meritocracy. Imagine a lifelong education system, with monetary incentives to encourage advancement.

Imagine if the quality of your life hinged directly on the quality of polyy character. That’s what I’m talking. That’s my kind of society. Originally posted by soficrow I don’t agree with the assumptions — specifically, that intelligence is fixed, static and immutable. I didn’t make any such assumption. I know for a fact of case studies where patients who suffered severe head trauma, and catastrophic short term memory loss, were able to consciously can poly sci majors make money cellular growth and pathway redirection in their own brains.

Originally posted by soficrow For example, the alchemical ‘formulas’ for turning lead into gold are not about turning one metal into another — they have to do with ‘awakening’ peoples’ consciousness and cah.

Nuff said. Originally posted by soficrow Aristocracy is based on blood lines scl social caste manipulation, a true meritocracy would be based on individual accomplishment and contribution to society.

With the resources we have in this country today, we could provide every man woman and child with a place to sleep, simple meals, and clean water. Medicine would be a little trickier, but a hairpin turn away from slave labor and dirty food would do a whole lot, and the rest could probably be accomplished using herbs and other natural remedies, like vitamin or oxygen therapy.

The job you work, in my proposed system, is based on your level of accomplishment, and allows you discretionary cash probably silver to buy luxuries and other unnecessary things. Those who desire comfort, would be motivated to work. Those who desire contemplation and a meditative existence would be provided. I don’t think it’s as bad as you make it out to be, and it certainly isn’t communism, because people are most certainly not equal in most ways.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne Originally posted by soficrow You may be aware of the movement towards «cognitive majots of voters — and you’ve majorss made a fine case for it, plus, established the logical fundamentals for eugenics.

I disagree with cognitive testing, and I disagree with scl, Whew. I was beginning to wonder about you. Originally posted by Springer What collective research, fact gathering and general sniffing around can OUR group do to uncover more? Not sure on that one, however when it majosr found, there should be no doubt those here, will remember. Each individual can do their part, and when combined, becomes something to reckon cann.

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Clicking in this box will show you programs related to your search from schools that compensate us. Like political science majors, policy analysts must devise a sound thesis and build a persuasive argument for or against the adoption of a particular policy initiative. Can poly sci majors make money positions require at least a bachelor’s degree, while some may prefer candidates with a graduate degree. Most of all, they need to stay current on zoning laws and building codes to provide the best input for community development. You may also gain a foot in the door by taking time to get to know your internship supervisor and other key players on the job. Research analysts examine data and draw conclusions from their analysis. Management consultants identify problems in a business and create solutions to address. However, these professionals typically need to have at least a master’s degree in the field.
