Make money doing weird things

make money doing weird things

Information on this site should be used at your own risk. Justin Bryant I’m an entrepreneur, fitness freak, artist, car enthusiast, sports fan and self improvement addict. And, you can turn them off whenever you want.

I Saved Coffee Cups to Get Free Refills

Are thinga looking for ways to earn a little extra money? People all over the world have taken to looking at unexpected ways to generate cash. A new up-and-coming way to do this is to rent out things you already. Stuff that you have, and that somebody else needs. Don’t think you have any items you can rent for money? Think. If you’re a boat owner, why let your boat sit in the dock or in your driveway while you’re not using it?

1. Work as a Living Statue

make money doing weird things
Money talks, and its persuasive tone gets people to perform all kinds of strange things all in the name of the hustle. Because money makes the world go around, there exists no shortage of strange ways people make money. While not necessarily the worst jobs in the world , the weird things people do for money usually involve less-than-ideal job requirements such as imbibing a gross substance, mild vandalism, and cleaning up people’s bodily messes. Just like the strangest celebrity jobs , the weird ways people make money serve to remind everyone how far you’ve come. You can’t control the weather, but with a weird side hustle you can always make it rain.

1. Selling Your Own Sperm

Money talks, and its persuasive tone gets people to perform all kinds of strange things all in the name of make money doing weird things hustle. Because money makes the world go around, there exists no shortage of strange ways people make money. While not necessarily the worst jobs in the worldthe weird things people do for money usually involve less-than-ideal job requirements such as imbibing a gross substance, mild vandalism, and cleaning up people’s bodily messes.

Just like the strangest celebrity jobsthe weird ways people make money serve to remind everyone how far you’ve come. You can’t control the weather, but with a weird side hustle you can always make it rain. He did the exterior, I did interior. He was morbidly obese and covered in scaly make money doing weird things of skin all over his body. I was inhaling that stuff. I vomited into the gutter and decided that this was the worst thing I had ever done for money. She never took her meds and also had lots leftover from previous surgeries.

I started selling the extras to make a little extra money to buy my own drugs and the like. Apparently he was always looking for it, and that was something I took from my mom a lot. This guy was using kids to sell a large amount of prescription pills.

He would tell us to always carry backpacks, never purses, no make up allowed ever and once or twice he told me to wear my hair up in pony tails.

He knew that the younger we looked, the less likely we were to get searched. I got jumped once and they took all my stuff. I had to go into random buildings and make transactions with creepy older people.

All for a pathetic cut, a cut he knew he could get away with because I was 13 and all I wanted was some weed and some pills. All That White Stuff. Put Your Best Foot Forward.

I Scrounged in the Lost and Found for a Free Swimsuit

You can try to sell them on Craigslist, or sites specifically designed to buy old electronics. The qualifications include height, build, attractiveness, blood type and sexual preferences. Now you can experience it vicariously through the couples you connect—and get paid to do it. I gave up free housing, extended international traveling, and five-star hotels to move to the U. SecondLife is one of the main sites that pays you to play a game on your computer. We all take photos on our smartphones don’t we? Jun 1, There’s no way it would be worth the effort to go through them all and delete them, and now there’s a really good reason not to. Ponder. It can be quite difficult, requiring a lot of tries.
