What job makes the most money with computer science

what job makes the most money with computer science

Courses may cover programming, algorithms, operating systems, Web design, and software engineering. Although a seemingly normal position, this is one of the highest paying computer jobs that guarantee great job security. Computer Hardware Engineer Computer Hardware Engineers enjoy one of the most honorable and highest paying computer jobs in the industry. However, there are many technology experts who are either freelancers or have a small tech firm, providing information technology services to numerous business. Computer Science.

From our Obsession

Maybe you have always liked to solve problems or decipher codes. If so, computer science might be an ideal career choice for you. Given the rapid rate of change within technology, computer science majors comuter to have a thirst for learning to keep up with the latest developments. Computer science majors also must be curious about the world around them since programs and systems are applied to every possible area of life and commerce. Given the pervasiveness of computer technology in society today, there are many different job wht for the computer science major.

What are you worth?

what job makes the most money with computer science
Imagine your goal in life was simply to make as much as much money as possible. What should you do? For the survey, companies are asked what their employees do and how much they are paid. The data is used by the government to track the number of people in different jobs, focus government education programs, and forecast which jobs will grow in the future. Of the 10 highest-paid jobs, nine of them were types of doctors. For those looking to get rich, simply knowing that a certain type of job is well-paid may not be enough.

Newest Rankings

Imagine your goal in life was simply to make as much as much money as possible. What should you do? For the survey, companies are asked what their employees do and how much they are paid.

The what job makes the most money with computer science is used by the government to track the number of people in different jobs, focus government education programs, and forecast which jobs will grow in the future.

Of the 10 highest-paid jobs, nine of them were types of doctors. For those looking to get rich, simply knowing that a certain type of job is well-paid may not be. This analysis only includes about of the jobs listed for because the definitions of some jobs changed sinceand some new jobs were added for example, anesthesiologist was not in the dataset.

Due to fracking and new drilling technologiespetroleum engineer tops our list of fast-growing, high-paying jobs. They all involve intensive education to qualify for positions. It may take decades to pay off the student debt to get one of these jobs, but in the end it is almost certainly worth it.

Skip to navigation Skip to content. From our Obsession Future of Work. Rank Job Salary US dollars Total employed 1 Anesthesiologists31, 2 Surgeons, general34, 3 Oral and maxillofacial surgeons4, 4 Obstetricians and gynecologists18, 5 Orthodontists5, 6 Psychiatrists25, 7 Family and general practitioners, 8 Physicians and surgeons other specialists, 9 Chief executives, 10 Internists, general37, 11 Prosthodontists12 Pediatricians, general28, 13 Dentists, all other specialists4, 14 Dentists, general, 15 Nurse anesthetists43, 16 Airline Pilots and flight engineers82, 17 Petroleum engineers32, 18 Computer and information systems managers, 19 Architectural and engineering managers, 20 Podiatrists9,

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Software application engineers work closely with teams of other IT professionals who specialize in developing the multiple layers of computer software to collaborate and contribute to the evolution of the rapidly changing IT industry. A handful to consider are:. More than the excitement of up-and-coming prospects, a computer science degree can be one of the most lucrative right out of college. Need to be able to detect potential intrusion targets very fast. With a deep observation, you will find out that the number Application Developer. Network Mosy Administrator
