Tips for making more money in township

tips for making more money in township

That way, when you need something for an order, you cal collect it from the factory and start another one going. In-game cash comes your way by completing achievements, increasing your player level, and sending goods. You are commenting using your Facebook account. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Help them and chances are high that they can be relied on to help you, too. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

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Township by Playrix is a rather unusual city building game. What do we mean by this? Creativity is your only limitation when ma,ing your city and choosing buildings and establishments. The materials for construction arrive via train, and they come in at random. Yes you .

2. Make Sure You Have Enough Coins and Citizens Before You Build Something New

tips for making more money in township
Remember Me? Forum What’s New? Forum Township New to Township? Tips or Tricks for Getting Township Cash. Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of It is my one true desire.


Township by Playrix is a rather unusual city building game. What do we mean by this? Creativity is your only limitation when building your city and choosing buildings and establishments. The materials for construction arrive via train, and they come in at random. Yes you. Yes, you can have more than one town. I currently have 3 towns but had to use 2 separate devices and 2 separate email accounts Yahoo and Google This makes the game more interesting since Townxhip have different friends lists on each game.

I want t o delete some wild flowers sections so I can make room tips for making more money in township ttownship fields. Yes, click kore them, then click fips the multi-pointed arrow on the bottom left. You can sell it, store it, or delete. Marion March 10, Reply. Me May 26, Reply. Wallace May 31, Reply. July 15, Reply. How do I get my school to open. Why wor,WHY!!!!!!!! May 20, Reply.

Michele September 12, Reply. Having problems getting grain for cows and corn for chickens… help. C July 28, Reply. Plant what you tips for making more money in township first, then go to the Feed Mill and make the Feed you need.

Teri March 16, Reply. Stephanie Iverson May 7, Reply. Christine Kelley January 29, Reply. Mimi March 20, Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Cool Goal!

Tips or Tricks for Getting Township Cash

Remember, more Goods means faster growth! As a professional online in-game currency store, our price is competitive and our delivery is fast. Forgot your password? That means grapes cost you about 34 mwking each to. I have to wait 15 minutes to sell 5 more ears of corn at that higher price. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Only instead of selling it outright, take some of it and turn it into bread, then sell that bread as fast as you can make it.
