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Toggle navigation. The Southern Colonies were dominated by a desire to make money in the new American marketplace, which led to the development of large plantations and an agriculturally-focused society. Much of the labor on the farms and plantations was done by slaves brought over from Africa. The Georgia Colony was the last of the 13 to be established. It was meant to act as a barrier between the Spanish in Florida and South Carolina. Georgia also served as a refuge for the poor debtors in The Southern Colonies were very different than the New England Colonies to the north that had become more cosmopolitan and refined.
Life in the Southern Colonies
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5 Myths About Slavery
Toggle navigation. The Southern Colonies were dominated by a desire to make money in the new American marketplace, which led to the development of large plantations and an agriculturally-focused society.
Much of the moeny on the farms and plantations was done by slaves brought over from Africa. The Georgia Colony was the last of the 13 to be established. It was meant to act as a barrier dolonies the Spanish in Florida and South Carolina. Georgia also served as a refuge for the poor debtors in The Southern Colonies were very different than the New England Colonies to the north that had become more cosmopolitan and refined.
Virginia was founded in by John Smith southern colonies make money Jamestown. Colonles Carolina was founded in by Virginian Colonists. South Carolina was founded in by English Colonists. Georgia was founded in by James Oglethorpe. Maryland was named for Queen Henrietta Maria of England.
Georgia is named for King George II. Coloniees industry in Maryland was manufacturing coloines iron and shipbuilding, and agriculture. Major industry in Virginia was plantation crops including wheat, corn, and tobacco. North Carolina’s agriculture focused on plantations of tobacco, rice, and indigo purple dye. Industry in South Carolina focused on plantations of cattle, cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo. Georgia’s agriculture included sugar, rice, and indigo.
Major towns in Maryland Colony included Monney and Annapolis. Georgia ,ake major town was Savannah. Plantations were often so large that families were separated by hundreds of miles, and workers or slaves often lived in housing on the plantations. Laborers in the Southern Colonies were often either slaves or indentured servants. Indentured servants were immigrants from England that agreed to work off their debt cost of moving to America by working on the plantation for so many years.
Settlers who could not afford the plantation lifestyle moved inland — which was more dangerous due to wildlife and the Indians whose land was being taken away as settlers took. They often built forts for protection. Plantations were often made up of a home, a dairy, a kitchen, stables, cabins, barns, a smokehouse, carpenter and brick-maker shops, and sometimes schools for the children.
Georgia signed the Declaration of Independence against Britain in
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