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22 Best Money Making Apps for 2020
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How many times has a friend showed you his or her favorite new iPhone app, and you lamented: Why didn’t I think of that? If you’re a designer or programmer, how can you afford not to be creating apps? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Apple says it receives between 8, and 10, application submissions every week. That’s a mighty lot of competition, even for experienced game and media designers.
How many times has a friend showed you his or her favorite new iPhone app, and you lamented: Why didn’t I think of that? If you’re a designer or programmer, how can you afford not to be creating apps? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Apple says it receives between 8, and 10, application submissions every week. That’s a mighty lot of competition, even for experienced game and media designers.
The partners this year debuted their first app, a location-aware, golf-inspired game called Gigaputt. Trefry says that while the new publishing structure under Apple’s purview coupled with a dense marketplace can be intimidating, he’s found there’s still ample opportunity for designers to carve out a niche for their app.
And lots of the work comes after the design and programming is already. Here are some tips to helping your app turn a profit. The first is creating an app worthy of a favorable review upon submission to the Apple iTunes App Store. The second is promoting your app so that it breaks through the pack and sells. Though there’s a lot of negative hype concerning the first hurdle, developers generally say that getting their app approved isn’t the struggle it’s made out to be.
Make money using iphone apps standards for apps do restrict some racy and pornographic content, and the company excludes apps that, in its view, do not enhance the iPhone experience or that duplicate existing iPhone features.
When it comes to fresh, inventive content, however, most apps are readily approved. Zach Saul, founder of Retronyms, a San Francisco-based app creating company, has been creating apps since the iTunes App Store launch, in which his popular, cent app Recorder — an audio recorder — was included.
After an app has been approved and is listed for sale in the iTunes App Store, your next goal is to get customers to download it. To some extent, this process becomes a chicken-and-egg scenario.
Vaulting into a top-selling category is the best way to encourage sales — but you first must have sales to rank highly within a category. Fortunately, the process of gaining exposure isn’t completely out of your hands. Apple features new apps daily. What does it take to win over Apple’s support? Good design is important.
Looking good is a matter of solid design. Enlist a designer to help create the interface a user will experience, as well as the logos and screen shots that will appear on the Apple iTunes App Store.
This collateral is the first thing a potential buyer will see, so maximizing its impact is crucial. Besides design, being polished includes being technically solid. You should also be sure to give your app the full battery of beta-testing it needs before you make your submission.
An inexpensive way to test it is to distribute it among friends and solicit feedback. Just remember: Without smooth functionality, your app will be dead in the water. If you already have a business, creating an app — or multiple apps — to enhance your clients’ experience can be a tremendous opportunity. Often, a small business is already filling a niche — and can also do so when their client is on the. Take the case of Yelp, the online review site.
Its iPhone app not only provides its standard customer-reviews, but also can tap into GPS to allow a user to find nearby businesses. So, thinking along the lines of «what do we already do, and how can it be used on the go? Look for an area that will be a natural extension, or a macro view of what you.
When Zillow, a real-estate listing company, built an app, for example, it not only included its standard real-estate listings, but also allowed users to scope out rentals and homes for sale in their immediate geographic area. This feature tapped into casual consumers’ desires to learn, say, what their neighbor’s condo might be worth — or to take a self-guided real-estate tour.
It took off, and now Zillow is selling mobile ads and incorporating social network link-posting — in other words, running a quite profitable app. And some of the most successful apps are very simple, one-off jokes. It may be that the best app for you is limited in scope. Simple apps, the kind people whip out at parties to emulate chugging a beer iBeer or wielding a light saber Lightsaber Unleashedrequire far less up-front time designing and programming.
And if you haven’t invested a lot of time into developing a simple app, you can afford to make it inexpensive. In a best-case scenario, with minimal marketing such apps can to go socially viral. Then again, if it doesn’t sell, no biggie: just try. On the opposite end of the spectrum, complex, multi-faceted apps are born most often out of an existing business or business model, and can require a team of designers working for weeks or months.
This model is best for existing websites and businesses that can add value through creating an app. With these, you’re going for polish, perfection, and possibly a higher price-point. What’s more, complex apps need to be sticky to be effective. That’s where marketing comes in. In the middle ground stand a host of simple-concept games with great graphical interfaces. If you look at the App Store’s top 10 sellers for paid apps at any given time, most of them are games.
Games that either educate or temporarily amuse, especially ones that anyone from age 4 to an adult can understand and appreciate, are almost always in demand.
Getting into the App Store’s top — much less top 10 — list is of course the best way to see sales soar. If that’s just not happening for you, start small. Build an audience from the ground-up. Have a website up and running before your app even launches. Make sure information is available for any interested parties. Existing social networking you or your company use can be beneficial in generating buzz. Craft a press release, or have all relevant information, including your contact info, available online.
Create a list of blogs and websites that might be interested in reviewing your app, and ping them to spark. Be casual but informative — confident but never pushy. If being your own PR person sounds like a drag, enlist a tech PR firm that specializes in product releases on a contract basis. If you have existing apps, building in promotions for a new product is a simple way to get its name out to customers who already like your work. In-game advertising isn’t a quick-fix to boost sales, though; it’s more of a way to create a longer tail for your product’s sales.
Separately, think about other companies who aren’t direct competitors you could form a mutually beneficial relationship with once you launch. Consider what will keep customers coming back as well as what will attract new ones.
Are there promotional tie-ins or giveaways that can help attract new interest on your website and in the App Store? What level of connectivity with buyers are you expecting and can you maintain? Trefry stays in touch with his app’s fans on Twitter and Facebook, and since hearing input from them modified Gigaputt for use on the iPod Touch.
For app developers, though, it was a big chance not just for a cash prize, but for exposure. When the prize winners were announced, everyone from politicians to venture capitalists were there taking note. If you’re a member of a tech or academic community, speaking on a panel or holding events in which you can discuss innovation in your field and in your app can hone in on your ideal audience. As a bonus, you’ll gain clout in the community, and possibly open yourself up to future business opportunities.
For example, Saul debuted Retronyms’ iPhone game Seek ‘n Spell at a New York big-games festival, where he introduced dozens of gamers to his location-based competitive spelling game.
See a fairly exhaustive guide to making an iPhone app in one month. Apress, You’re about to be redirected We notice you’re visiting us from a region where we have a local version of Inc. Today’s Must Reads. Forgot Password? Enter your email to reset your password. Or sign up using:. New member? Sign up. Sign in if you’re already registered.
How to Make Money on iPhone Apps. Sure, the marketplace is teeming with competing apps. She is a senior writer at Inc. Senior writer, Inc. Published on: Mar 12,
How to Make Money with Apps IOS (Make Money on Auto Pilot!)
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