How much money did the movie ink make

how much money did the movie ink make

The strong storyline is the focus and is essentially based around the good vs. LA Weekly. A rare trait among independent filmmakers who are either too obtuse and obscure in the delivery of their art, or who err on the other side, dumbing down their story to ensure the audience «gets it». I remember being three or four years old at my babysitter’s house, and she was watching a soap opera. Sign In.

Types of Directors

This is an article I have wanted to research and write for a thee, long time. I finally had a moment to sit down and crunch the numbers — I hope it helps hoa the understanding of Hollywood economics. Almost as long as there have been movies, Hollywood has relied on huge-scale productions to bring in the big bucks. The Extra-Terrestrial As the films have grown, so too have the spoils on offer. The starting point for working out the final costs of releasing a movie is to look at how much it cost the studio to shoot the film i. This includes….

On Dvd & Streaming

how much money did the movie ink make
From a distance, the movie business might look pretty glamorous. Celebrities and producers glide down red carpets, clutch their Oscars and vacation in St. Barts…just because they can. The public can be fickle, the industry is in flux, and just about any movie is an extremely risky investment, even a film starring big name actors and actresses. Major studios and indie filmmakers alike now spend much of their days looking for new sources of revenue, because ticket sales are no longer the be-all and end-all for films. This is in part because it costs far more to make and market a film than it seems. Romantic comedies or some children’s films need to promote themselves via TV commercials and media advertisements, and those costs add up quickly.

What’s the average cost of making and selling a Hollywood blockbuster?

I wanted a term that would express this advantage in simple terms. From this perspective do you think that having Ink pirated and exposed to the huge audience represented by bittorrent users will increase the Implied Value of your film with the world audience? That’s a big thing that’s haunted me my entire life. Spoilers are unavoidable in this age of instantaneous Internet reviews, but the filmmakers are determined to keep any salient details from leaking before The Frame ‘s wide release; after its Denver run, they’ll take it on the road for openings in Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, New York, Austin and Chicago this fall. Add the first question. View All Critic Reviews 6. The two lost touch after high school. But there was more than desperation fueling the movie’s creation.
