How to make money on hollywood stock exchange

how to make money on hollywood stock exchange

Bitcoin How to Buy Bitcoin. Personal Finance. In fact, a few years back, it almost became a reality, with April set to start live trading of box office projections. The Hollywood Stock Exchange , or HSX , is a web-based, multiplayer game in which players use simulated money to buy and sell «shares» of actors , directors , upcoming films , and film-related options. Most Viewed Stories.

The Hollywood Stock Exchange is an online prediction market in which «investors» bet on the performance of various components of the entertainment industry. Trades are made in «Hollywood dollars,» which players receive when they open an account, make successful trades and participate in the website’s quizzes. The exchange has been around since and is owned by Cantor Fitzgerald, which launched a real-world exchange similar to HSX, called the Cantor Exchange, in These features have been discontinued. The practice of selling portfolios on eBay was inaugurated by Curtis Edmonds, a former Texas lawyer. The Hollywood Stock Exchange attracted some private investment during the dotcom boom and ran TV ads on cable channels in an effort to attract players.

Insider Trading

how to make money on hollywood stock exchange
The Hollywood Stock Exchange turns movies into stocks. Anyone who invested in the film before «Conan» made ten times that amount since, and it’s still climbing. Here’s how it works: If you think a movie or person is going to do better or worse than projected, you can invest virtual money in its stock, free to buy, sell, short, and cover, at any time. At HSX. HSX syndicates the data collected from the Exchange as market research to entertainment, consumer product and financial institutions and as original content to radio, television and print media. If it grosses less, you get nothing and lose your initial investment. While StarBonds are difficult to predict one independent film can offset a star’s blockbuster smash , MovieStocks and derivatives are easier to quantify.


The Hollywood Stock Exchange is an online prediction market in which «investors» bet on the performance of various components of the entertainment industry. Trades are made in «Hollywood dollars,» which players receive when they open an account, make successful trades and participate in the website’s quizzes.

The exchange has been around since and is owned by Cantor Fitzgerald, which launched a real-world exchange similar to HSX, called the Cantor Exchange, in These features have been discontinued. The practice of selling portfolios on eBay was inaugurated by Curtis Edmonds, a former Texas lawyer. The Hollywood Stock Exchange attracted some private investment during the dotcom boom and ran TV ads on cable channels in an effort to attract players.

After the dotcom crash, the exchange was acquired by units of Cantor Fitzgerald. The Hollywood Stock Exchange is generally considered a prediction market. Prediction markets are those created how to make money on hollywood stock exchange trade on the outcome of events. The market prices can indicate what the crowd thinks the probability of the event is. A prediction market contract trades between zero percent and percent. It is a binary option that will expire at the price of zero percent or percent.

Prediction markets can be thought of as belonging to the more general concept of crowdsourcingwhich is specially designed to aggregate information on particular topics of. Prediction markets, which tend to be quite accurate, exist for a wide range of subjects. Some, like the Iowa Electronic Markets, trade in real money.

Lately, prediction markets have become quite popular for elections. The website fivethirtyeight. Portfolio Management. Beginner Trading Strategies. Automated Investing. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. What Is the Hollywood Stock Exchange? Compare Investment Accounts. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation.

Stock Market Investopedia The stock market consists of exchanges or OTC markets in which shares and other financial securities of publicly held companies are issued and traded. Forward Price Definition The predetermined delivery price of a forward contract, as agreed on and calculated by the buyer and seller. What Does Cross Hedge Mean? The term «cross hedge» refers to the practice of hedging risk using two assets with positively correlated price movements.

Swap Rate Definition The swap rate denotes the fixed portion of a swap as determined by an agreed benchmark and contractual agreement between party and counter-party. Block Positioner Definition A block positioner is a dealer who, in order to facilitate a customer’s large purchase or sale, takes positions for their own account.

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A prediction market contract trades between zero percent and percent. Design Move over, princesses. Just plan on holding onto those shares for a long, long time. HSX was and is simple. Yes, this is actually happening. Once launched, a new HSX site will list current and imminent movie releases with their projected four-week domestic grosses and allow exchange users to take long or short positions on the films.
