Us kivered sweet ‘taters with it to keep them from git freeze and hogs made beds out’n it and folks too. We didn’ know what to do and we didn’ know how to keep ourselves, and what was we to do to get food and a place to live? If I thinks ’bout dem days now, I can see we’uns dancin’ and hear de singin’ of dem ol’ songs, sich like Ol’ Black Joe and Swanee River.
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Trips in 2019
I has another baby call Mittie, and she too young to work. I think the house was move and ‘nother builded. Snyder died twenty-two years ago and all them years I made a livin’ washin’ and ironin’ and cookin’, up to six years ago. My husban’ and me raises five chillen, but only de one gal am alive. The Major gave Giles to his daughter when he was an infant and he never saw his parents. Sometimes ’bout a hunerd sings to once and dat sound purty and jus’ go all through me. Dey made sorghum and ribbon cane ‘lasses and had boilin’ vats for sugar. But we heered things and I ‘member de sojers on dere way back after it’s all. We gits on all right after freedom, but it hard at first ’cause us didn’t know how to do for. That ’bout twenty-five years after I marries. Right ’bout de time dis state come to be de United States, and de Mexicans raisin’ de old billy, us cook most usual on de fireplace and have ovens by de side to make make money in land by william laas, and cranes for de pots. I stayed till I was sixteen years old. Massa Sam fotches all us to Texas when Make money in land by william laas jes’ five year old and we come in wagons and hossback. Abram Sells was born a slave on the Rimes Plantation, which was located about 18 miles southeast of Newton, Texas.
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